What’s in Your Bread Box?

Eat More Fiber Foods containing fiber help you maintain a healthy weight and may lower your risk of diabetes and heart disease. There are two forms of dietary fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and forms a gel. When you cook a batch of oatmeal, you’ll note how “gummy” it becomes. Soluble…

The Butter Mill

  I admit I’m a bit of a gadget queen. I love new kitchen tools, gizmos, knives etc. While visiting a lovely shop in Palm Springs a few weeks ago I came across a Butter Mill. I’m sure most of you are familiar with a butter bell that you keep on the counter that you…


  Persimmons are a gorgeous winter fruit perfect for eating raw. This Northern California fruit thrives in cold weather and is in peak season from October to December. Persimmons have the texture of a cantaloupe and taste like a sweet pumpkin with a dash of cinnamon. Looking into the history of persimmons, Pilgrims in North…